Tuesday, February 7, 2017

10 Whitewater Kayaking Terms to Know

Beater (noun); also, to beater (verb)

Below are 10 whitewater kayaking terms every paddler should know.

1.       Swimmer (noun)
a.       A transitional period; when a kayaker fails to roll upright and swims out of their boat.
b.       YOU. You are a swimmer. Never forget that.
2.       Kayak (noun)
a.       A vessel, commonly plastic, used to navigate rivers, lakes, oceans (see sea kayak, whitewater kayak, et al.).
b.       Home. Your kayak is your home. Don’t you want to stay in your home?
3.       Paddle (noun) to paddle (verb)
a.       A stick-like tool with a thin, long shaft and wide, flat blades at each end.
b.       Otherwise known as that thing that you lose all the time and other people have to fish out of the water for you.
c.       Also, To paddle (v); to flail ones arms wildly in an attempt to maneuver a kayak.
4.       Boof (verb)
a.       A paddle stroke used at the lip of a drop or water fall to lift the bow of one’s kayak vertically to clear the base of the drop.
b.       The sound you make when you miss your boof stroke, slam your bow into the drop and face plant into the base of the water fall.
5.       Bow (noun)
a.       The front of a kayak.
b.       To take a bow; what you do when you nail your boof stroke.
6.       Stern (noun)
a.       The rear of a kayak.
b.       The look on your face when you have to fish a swimmer out of the river for the third time in one day.
7.       Eddy (noun)
a.       Unidentified man, possibly a criminal, because everyone constantly yells at you “Catch Eddy!”
b.       also, a location on the river, created by a large obstacle (such as a boulder), where the water is calm and a swimmer (you) can escape the current.
8.       Wave (verb, noun)
a.       Kayaking maneuver performed when going over a sick water fall in front of a big crowd.
b.       Also, a feature on the river used by playboaters to perform tricks in their kayak.
9.       Hole (noun)
a.       The thing in the top of a kayak one uses to crawl into it
b.       Also, an inescapable feature on the river that you never seem to avoid
10.   Shuttle (adjective)

a.       To drive oneself from the river trip take out point to the put-in location.
b.    Eternity; see also, limbo

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